Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The one where I attempt profundity but fail...

Being upset by friends is something that we all probably go through in our lives.

By the time you get to my age (mid thirties if you must know!) most people have seen friends come and go and siphoned out the ones that are flakey, fakey, or emotionally draining and have a nice solid collection of close, reliable, loving people that you could trust with your life, and you would do anything for.

More like family.

Families have ups and downs too though.

So what happens when your "family" - or a few of them in this case - upset you and they don't even realise?

That's the situation I've been in recently, and I've dealt with it the way I tend to deal with things like this - I've distanced myself from the situation and those who have hurt me.

It's a natural thing to do, and I'm particularly good at it unfortunately.

The problem with dealing with it in this way (and I think it's because I've changed a lot as a person over the last few years) is that I'm then left with the burden of conscience. Thinking and thinking and dwelling on the situation.

(That's not healthy by the way.)

But more annoyingly, in the end, I always seem to be the bigger person and brush it aside and just get on with it, reconciling differences (where differences are reconcilable) in my head and putting it down to just being a nice guy.

Being a nice guy never got me anything until later in life*, so there is some truth in the saying 'nice guys finish last' and the thing that is eating me up right now is that when I see the people that hurt me, I'll just do what I always do and act like nothing's happened because they're my "family" and it's my job to protect them from being hurt or upset themselves.

On a side note, I must add that I have the best friends I could have ever wished for in my life. Nobody's perfect - especially me.

* I have to say, the rewards of being a nice guy really are worth the wait!

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