Showing posts with label Rock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rock. Show all posts

Friday, March 18, 2016

Rockingham revisited...

About a week ago I wrote a review about the new Nerf Herder album 'Rockingham'.

Although I gave it a respectable 5 out of 7, I am ashamed and deserve a slap for doing so.

Having not been able to remove ANY of the songs from my head this week, and playing the album about three times through each day, I can now honestly say that it deserves a full 7 out of 7.

I originally said something that I need to clarify... I said in my original review:

"It's not their best album" which sounds a bit negative, and suggests it's not brilliant, but what I meant by this is that it's not my favourite Nerf Herder album, which is still true. However... I think I now love it just as much as my favourite Nerf Herder album 'Nerf Herder IV'.

In fact, having listened to Rockingham so much now, there's actually a lot of similarity between the two albums and if you squidged both together to make a mega album, it would indeed be MEGA!

That being said, Rockingham as a standalone album is now officially a classic Nerf album in my eyes (ears!).

There's only one song I'm not keen on on Rockingham and that's the track 'Jackie Got Married', but I only don't like it because I don't get it, and have no idea who Jackie is or what the song is about - I'm sure it's funny to Americans though (?!).

The opening track 'Portland' (about Portland, Oregon, funnily enough) is one of my favourites because I've been there and it seems accurate!

Each time I listen to the album, I end up with a new favourite song from it.

The thing I love about Nerf Herder is their signature sound, which although is pop-punk in it's essence, is laced with so many other styles or what I call Nerf-isms, such as the rock and sci-fi elements that are also thrown into a big blender with a generous helping of nerdy geeky fun. There's really no other band on the planet that can do what Nerf Herder does or sound how they sound, not without falling flat on their ass.

Lead singer and songwriter Parry Gripp is actually a living genius, and if you've never heard any Nerf Herder, I guarantee you've heard something he's written, like this for example (which I dare not press play on because it's an ear worm that will literally eat your brain for the rest of your life once you've heard it...)

By the way, if you dared to press play and listen... I'm sorry. But only a little bit.

Anyway, yeah, Rockingham = amazing, Nerf Herder = amazing.
That's about all I have to say.

That, and HURRY UP AND DO ANOTHER ALBUM! Oh, and come and play in the UK again before I die please.