Showing posts with label beer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beer. Show all posts

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Sussex 26th Annual Beer Festival

Well... this is how it ended up looking. It got a bit messy.

But what is a beer festival without shenanigans?

So yesterday was the 26th Sussex Annual Beer and Cider festival in Brighton, and I've been going to this event with my friends for about five or six years now. It's always a fun day, and there's always some good beer discoveries, and despite always going on the the final day, and a lot of good beers being sold out, there were still some winners on the racks.

I vaguely recall posting most of the ones I liked on my Untapped profile, but the one beer that stood out for me this year was Treasure IPA by Great Heck Brewery, from Yorkshire.

I'd love to go in to more detail about how the beers tasted, but right now I'm still a bit hungover, and in all honesty, I can't remember - as you can see from the photo, it all got a bit messy and from about 7pm onwards I really can't remember a thing!

Unfortunately this year we were four people down from our usual crew, and they were missed, but I think the troopers that were in attendance did them proud!

All in all, the day was fun, great beers, great friends, and all just a stones throw away from my flat.

I'm restricting myself to attending three beer festivals only this year (last year it seemed as if there was a beer festival nearly every week!) and this one is always the one to kick off the year - next will be the Great British Beer Festival in London in August, followed by the Eastbourne Beer Festival to bring the year to a close.

Today I don't think I could possibly face a pint of beer, but right now I'm feeling like I want to brew another batch with my friend Scuff.

It's the first day of Spring today and so I raise an invisible toast to friends, and more good times this year!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Homemade Mead

Anyone who knows me well knows I like a good tipple.

For my birthday in July, one of my bestest buddies bought me a kit to make my own home brews, and he kitted me up to make my own Mead.

Mead is yummy, and rather naughty.

I started the process in July, and today I finally got around to the final stage.

This bad boy is now tucked away in my cupboard and will be left until around July or August.

If you want to make this super cheap super yummy brew yourself, you can follow Scuff's easy guide here:

Making Mead part one

Making Mead part two

If you're a foody/drinky/walky type of person, his blog is worth a follow for sure!