Sunday, May 9, 2010

Thought for the day...

If you built a massive massive wall, like, halfway around the world... would it fuck up the wind?

Monday, April 19, 2010


'Multi-Banging' is a term invented by Dan this evening, and is in reference to Aragorn, Eowyn and that other woman in the Lord of the Rings.

Used in context; Arogorn is 'Multi-Banging'.

And Liv Tyler... I still wouldn't. Not even as an Elf.

Monday, April 12, 2010

So... just like sex then?

Dan holds out a bag of pick & mix sweets offering them to me...

"Try those ones, they are amazing... like sex on legs... but without the legs."

Monday, March 22, 2010

Clearly not a drummer.

Drew: "Do you think this track needs drums?"

Long pause

Dan: "Are you going to play them?"

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday TV

Drew - "Are you watching this?"

Dan - "No. You can change the channel, if you want, it was either this or 'Snakes On A Plane'"

Drew - "OH COME ON! I'd rather be watching 'Snakes On A Plane' than manky cocks!"

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cleaning a cheese grater...

I had to clean the cheese grater today. Now how the absolute fuck do you clean these things?! If you use a sponge, you lose half of the sponge to the grates - you can also lose your fingers if you're not careful.

So how are you meant to clean a cheese grater? Does anybody ever actually use the weird shaped grates, the ones that stick out, as in, not the actual big or little sized gratey holes...? Is there really any need for it to be there?

Tried writing some songs today too (not about cheese graters) and couldn't get anything out. I feel rubbish, headachey and grumpy now.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Hanging out... a question about pants.

The other day me and Dan were walking down the street, and we ended up walking behind a guy that had some magical ability to walk with his jeans somehow levitating around thigh level and his pants fully on display.

Now don't get me wrong, I think it's cool to look cool - if you can pull it off... which I unfortunately can't.

I can't even pull off any legitimate attempt at fashion, style, or looking cool, and I have never been able to.

But some people can.

I just don't understand the whole thing about why you would want to show the world your underwear!

I mean, I could possibly understand if the person had some kind of incredible underwear, like, a comic book, or one of those magic eye things (although that could end up in getting a beating from staring closely at someones crotchal area) but you get my point?

Maybe it's some kind of cheap airing technique... I know I for one hate going out wearing wet clothes.

Hmm. I think this one will remain a mystery.